05 Apr Second US patent granted
Montreal / April 05, 2024 – NexPlasmaGen is pleased to announce that on February 6, 2024, the 2nd U.S. patent (US 11895763B2) was granted for its medical technology developed for the treatment of breast cancer. NexPlasmaGen has exclusive rights to this patent under license from McGill University.
Several other patents are pending in Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and China for NexPlasmaGen’s technology. Clinical trials will shortly begin at the CHUM in Montreal with this technology for the treatment of breast cancer, and the design of the commercial medical device has begun.
“We are very proud to obtain this U.S. patent, which strengthens our competitive edge in the U.S. market for our medical device,” says Dr. Valérie Léveillé, CEO of NexPlasmaGen.
NexPlasmaGen is converging the emerging field of cold plasma biotechnology into personalized cancer treatment. We are developing high-precision cold plasma delivery systems with the capability to kill cancer cells while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. NexPlasmaGen’s first application is in the treatment of breast cancer. Its patented cold plasma medical device is used to improve patient outcomes in breast conserving therapy.
Valérie Léveillé, CEO/Founder
1-514-229-9458, valerie.leveille@nexplasmagen.com, https://nexplasmagen.com/
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