03 Nov NexPlasmaGen’s CPJ breast cancer in vivo preclinical trials completed
NexPlasmaGen is proud to announce that the preclinical trials program led by Dr. Philip Wong at the Centre Hospitaller de l’Université de Montréal was successfully completed. The first stage of the program demonstrated that NexPlasmaGen’s Convertible Plasma Jet (CPJ) was able to destroy breast cancer cells of a dozen different types in vitro. During the in vivo stage on mice, the CPJ could reduce recurrent breast cancer tumor volumes by 50% following the treatment of the tumor bed. In 6.5% of cases, the treatment of the tumor bed with the CPJ inhibited tumor recurrence completely. In all cases, the treatment was safe for the mice.
“During the in vivo stage on mice, the CPJ could reduce recurrent breast cancer tumor volumes by 50% following the treatment of the tumor bed. In 6.5% of cases, the treatment of the tumor bed with the CPJ inhibited tumor recurrence completely.”
Having accomplished this important development milestone, NexPlasmaGen is confident to test its technology on humans. While the first in-human safety clinical trial is in preparation for 2022, NexPlasmaGen is currently raising a Seed funding to conduct efficacy trials in Canada and the USA for breast cancer and sarcoma treatment, and to introduce its technology to these markets.
Interested to learn more?
To learn more about our Technology, to collaborate with us during the upcoming efficacy clinical trials in the USA and Canada or to participate to the Seed funding, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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