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Montreal / April 19, 2024 - NexPlasmaGen is honored to announce that it has won GHP magazine's Best MedTech Oncology Business - Canada 2024 award. "GHP Magazine's Biotechnology Awards 2024” are designed to recognize and honor the most valuable contributors to the biotechnology industry, as well...

Montreal / April 05, 2024 - NexPlasmaGen is pleased to announce that on February 6, 2024, the 2nd U.S. patent (US 11895763B2) was granted for its medical technology developed for the treatment of breast cancer. NexPlasmaGen has exclusive rights to this patent under license from...

Montreal / April 21, 2023 - NexPlasmaGen announces that it has received $511,186 in funding from the ministère de l'économie, de l'innovation  et de l’Énergie (MEIE) du Québec and the Québec Breast Cancer Foundation (QBCF) to conduct clinical safety trials with its Convertible Plasma Jet...